Thursday, February 13th 2025
(14th Shaban 1446)
Sehri End: 5:42 am Iftar: 5:17 pm
Zuhr Jamaat

1:00 pm

38:00 Minute(s)

Jamaat Times

6:45 am

5:47 am

7:27 am

1:00 pm
4:15 pm

5:17 pm

8:00 pm

Jumu’ah Times
First Jumu’ah – 1:00pm
Second Jumu’ah – 2:30pm

Welcome to the official website of Masjid Zeenatul Islam, Coventry.

Our masjid provides a number of services for the community alongside 5 daily congregational prayers. Please see below for more information on these services and check out our news page for latest updates and events.

May Allah (S.W.T) accept the humble efforts of all those involved, Ameen

Live Channel

Event Recordings

Our Latest News

Our Services

Madrasah (Islamic Education)

Click here to check our dedicated Madrasah Zeenatul Islam site for more details on term dates, enrolments various other information

Marriage / Nikah

Masjid Zeenatul Islam is a registered building for the purposes of the Civil Registration of Marriage.

Click to read more on how you can utilise our services to arrange a Nikah and Civil Registration at the masjid.

Funeral & Burial

We provide a comprehensive funeral and burial service for the community.

Click to read more information about this service and how to get in contact


Our masjid runs solely on donations from the community. 

Please continue to help the ongoing running costs of the masjid with your generous donations. Jazakallah 

